School Support Staff Over Worked

School Support Staff Over Worked: 75 per cent of support staff work more than their contracted hours, survey finds

A recent survey of 1,600 members of the ATL Union has revealed that nearly 75 per cent of support staff in schools work overtime due to heavy workloads.

School Support Staff Over Worked - 75 per cent of support staff work more than their contracted hours, survey finds

School Support Staff Over Worked: 75 per cent of support staff work more than their contracted hours, survey finds

The survey also found that more than one fifth (21 per cent) of the support staff questioned work between 4 and 6 hours more than their contract per week. A further 11 per cent work 7 hours or more extra.

Of those who claimed to work more than their contracted hours, approximately 70 per cent admitted that they never get paid extra.

The survey also revealed that 53 per cent felt that their role is no different than that of a substitute teacher.

One respondent said of her situation: “We are unable to move out of our current pay band yet are expected to take on more responsibilities and are on the front line when it comes to dealing with students. Senior staff are dismissive of us and morale is extremely low.”

Another support worker said: “We are constantly given more things to do such as interventions, phonics groups and cover supervision, with very little time allowed for us to adequately prepare for these sessions. When we do have time allotted to us we can be pulled away to do other things.”


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