Research suggests that changes are necessary to the teacher application process: According to a recent report by Randstad, a human resource consulting firm, 90 per cent of teachers would welcome… read more →
Four Fifths of Teachers Want to Remain in the European Union: New research conducted by education market research specialists VoicED (part of DJS Research Ltd) has discovered that four fifths… read more →
Why Do STEM Students Study Abroad?: According to market research with long distance STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) students, in the world’s top four study destination countries, individuals are… read more →
OECD Report Compares Education in Industrialised Countries: The ‘Education at a Glance’ report compares the characteristics of numerous industrialised countries across the entire education landscape. The UK fares well in… read more →
Short Term Overseas Study As Valuable as A Year Abroad: According to a new survey carried out on behalf of the British Council and the UK Higher Education International Unit,… read more →
Girls Outperform Boys at School Despite Inequalities: Findings from a new piece of education market research suggests that, even in countries where women’s rights and level of equality with males… read more →