Education Sector Market Research
Researchers at VoicED have carried out research for some of the leading names in the learning and skills sector. Our education sector market research team have a full knowledge of the UK education landscape, including nursery, primary and secondary schools, colleges and institutes of higher education including universities.
We work for end-clients such as government departments, universities, charities, awarding bodies, resource manufacturers, publishers, technology providers, training companies and industry associations such as unions, trusts and school networks. In addition, we also provide services to intermediaries such as other market research agencies and PR companies looking to access sample or to target specific audiences. Some of our key clients are illustrated below.
Education Sector Experience:
Experience With Marketing and Market Research Firms:
Researchers at VoicED have also worked with the following market research, marketing and public relations agencies to supply qualitative and quantitative research assistance including sampling, completing focus groups, online surveys, depth interviews, and a number of other methodologies.
If you would like more detail on some of our past projects, feel free to visit our services page where you can learn more about the types of qualitative and quantitative education market research we have carried out for our previous clients.
A Relationship Based Approach:
Regardless of the type of client or whether or not we have any prior experience of working with them, we pride ourselves on developing strong relationships with all our partners and providing the research outputs they want, on time and on budget. Whether that requires a full service research project with both qualitative and quantitative elements to look in to perceptions of a university and its branding, or a short online survey with secondary school teachers working in the senior leadership team, we are capable of delivering.